September 21, 2022
AgencyThe Costs Of Driving Without A License
If your state suspends your driver’s license, they revoke your right to drive. That means you don’t have any permission to get behind the wheel. Still, many people drive without a valid license every day. Basic needs might force them to do so. Yet, the penalties of driving on a suspended license might prove costly. […]
October 12, 2022
Agency3 Ways You Can Save Money On Your Home Insurance Premium
Maintaining a home can be a costly experience. Some people try to save by cutting back on their home insurance coverage. That means if something unexpected happens that your policy does not cover, you could end up suffering catastrophic financial losses. Instead of leaving yourself vulnerable to that situation, consider ways you can save money while maintaining […]
November 11, 2022
AgencyDo Business Owners Policies Cover Employees?
A business owners policy (BOP) combines coverage for small businesses to protect against certain dangers, but it can also serve to cover employees depending on what coverage is added. Basic BOPs come with two coverages: · General Liability Insurance: General liability insurance covers claims against the business concerning bodily injury, property damage and personal and […]
December 8, 2022
AgencyInsuring Contents Within Commercial Vehicles
Taking one of your business-owned vehicles out on the road exposes the business to accident liabilities. Therefore, commercial auto insurance should be available to help all the parties involved cover their losses when problems arise. However, one place where you might find that your commercial auto policy might not help you is when it comes […]
January 16, 2023
AgencyCyber Liability Insurance 101
As you looked at that title, did you think, “There is no way I need this type of insurance?” After all, you aren’t in the medical field or another field that keeps private information. Or are you? Ask yourself these questions: 1. Do you store non-public information about employees? That includes social security numbers and […]
February 20, 2023
AgencyThe Liability Risks of Graduation Parties
Whether your child is graduating from high school or college, it’s a big achievement that was only possible because of a lot of hard work and dedication. Many families throw graduation parties to celebrate the milestone. This gives friends and family members a chance to collectively congratulate the graduate on a job well done. However, […]
March 29, 2023
AgencyFive Things to Know About Getting Your Child Coverage
While finding a good life insurance policy for yourself may seem straightforward, finding a good policy for your child can get a little confusing. In general, even considering getting a life insurance policy for one’s kids might be up for debate for some parents. Depending on the opinion you might hear, some even consider purchasing […]
April 19, 2023
AgencyHome Insurance and Your Spring Projects
When spring arrives, many people want to head outside to start enjoying their space. A few home improvement projects may happen, too. Making changes to your home is not a problem. However, it is important to consider your home’s risk factors. Be sure that the changes you make do not increase risk. Make sure that […]
May 8, 2023
AgencySpeeding is a Dangerous and Lethal Choice
Speeding is one of the most common reasons for car accidents. The faster a car is traveling at the moment of impact, the greater the risk of injury, disfigurement or death. When most of us think of dangerous driving, we think of the interstate. While it is true that interstate driving involves high speeds, driving […]
June 9, 2023
AgencyInsuring a Special Event on a College Campus
College campuses hold many special events, from career fairs to art shows to sports games. Planning these events—especially larger events—takes a lot of coordination, and often an initial investment. Before you can sell tickets, you must take steps to secure the location, book vendors or sponsors, purchase advertising, provide food and more. If damage occurs […]